Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mister Donut Matcha Doughnuts

Popular Japanese doughnut chain, Mister Donut has released a limited edition range of Matcha Green Tea doughnuts. The Matcha doughnuts will be available from May 15 until the end of July, with Mister Donut offering six different styles of Matcha doughnuts to choose from.

The doughnuts include the Pon de Matcha Choco, Krantz Ring Matcha Choco, Nama Choco Matcha Pie, Waff Matcha Choco, and Misdo Bits Matcha Mix.

Here is a little more about each Doughnut:

Pon de Matcha Choco 

The Pon de Ring is Mister Donut’s signature doughnut and one of their most popular varieties. This version of the Pon de Ring called the Pon de Matcha Choco is coated with delicious Matcha chocolate. The doughnut has a mochi-mochi (chewy) texture and is a taste sensation. The Pon de Matcha Choco is 140 yen.

Pon de Matcha Choco

Krantz Ring Matcha Choco 

The Krantz Ring Matcha Choco is vanilla flavoured with a soft cake like texture. The Matcha chocolate goes really well with the vanilla Krantz Ring doughnut. The Krantz Ring Matcha Choco is 140 yen.

Krantz Ring Matcha Choco

Waff Matcha Choco 

The Waff Matcha Choco is a new item on the Mister Donut’s menu and is a tasty treat. It has a light chewy texture with a buttermilk flavour, and is also coated with Matcha chocolate. The Waff Matcha Choco is 118 yen.

Waff Matcha Choco

Nama Choco Matcha Pie 

The Nama Choco Matcha Pie is crispy on the outside with thick and soft nama chocolate on the inside. The Nama Choco Matcha Pie is 151 yen.

Nama Choco Matcha Pie

A look inside the Nama Choco Matcha Pie

Misdo Bits Matcha Mix 

Misdo Bits Matcha Mix is a selection of bite-size doughnuts that you can enjoy. It’s a great idea as it allows you to try a variety of doughnuts at the one time. The doughnuts include Pon de Matcha Ball (Pon de Ring), Matcha Old Fashion Ball, Matcha Churros (coated in Matcha Chocolate), Pon de Golden Ball, Angel Ball (filled with Whipped Cream) and Strawberry (filled with Strawberry Cream). You can try these in three different serving sizes with a Small (6 pieces) costing 237 yen.

Misdo Bits Matcha Mix

Selection of doughnuts in the Misdo Bits Matcha Mix

The Taste Test

Japan Australia is fan of Matcha so we had to give these new doughnuts a try. We headed down to our local Mister Donut but could only find three of the six styles available. We were able to pick up a Pon de Matcha Choco, Krantz Ring Matcha Choco and Misdo Bits Matcha Mix. What did we think?

The Pon de Matcha Choco was really good with a nice light and chewy texture. The Matcha chocolate was tasty but not as strong as we would have liked.

The Krantz Ring Matcha Choco was OK but not one of our favourites. The doughnut was thick and dense and was not as easy to eat as the Pon de Matcha Choco above.

The Matcha Bits Matcha Mix was our favourite of the three with a great selection of doughnuts. We really liked the Matcha Churros, which was light and sweet with that great churros texture and the Strawberry was a surprise hit with a chewy texture and sweet strawberry cream and corn flakes filling.

Pon de Matcha Choco

Krantz Ring Matcha Choco

Misdo Bits Matcha Mix

Some more Mister Donut favourites we've tried:

Mister Donut Croissant Doughnuts

Hello Kitty Halloween Doughnuts

Mister Donut Calpis Doughnuts

Mister Donut Website

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mos Burger French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage

Popular Japanese burger chain Mos Burger has just released a new doughnut burger that is an interesting creation. Called the French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage, the burger or doughnut is a kind of cross collaboration between Mos Burger and Mister Donut. Mos Burger has used the famous Mister Donut French Cruller Doughnut as inspiration for its doughnut pastry like bun for its latest burger.

Japan is certainly no stranger to unique burger creations, especially in recent times with such beauties as the Ramen Burger and Black Ninja Burger.

The concept behind this cross collaboration is that Mos Burger and Mister Donut would both swap menus, and try to come up with some new products based on popular items offered by the other chain. This unique collaboration has been given the nickname “Mosdo”. “Mos” is short for Mos Burger, and “do” is from the nickname of Mister Donut (Misdo).

The creators at Mos Burger come up with the Mos Burger French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage as well as the Mos Burger French Cruller with Berry and Chocolate. Both of these creation use Mister Donut’s popular French Cruller doughnuts as inspiration with the creators at Mos Burger coming up with their own original doughnut pastry bun.

The Mos Burger French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage certainly does look interesting and is unlike anything we have seen before. Sandwiched in between the original French Cruller buns is a spiral-shaped chorizo sausage, hot chilli sauce, lettuce, onion, tomato and mayonnaise. The burger costs 390 yen (USD$3.80) and will be available for a limited time until early July.

The Taste Test 

Japan Australia was intrigued enough in order to head down to our local Mos Burger to try this unique creation out. We ordered the French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage and we weren’t disappointed. The burger was actually pretty good and the flavour combinations awesome. The spicy chorizo sausage was one of the best we’ve had in Japan and went well with the spicy chilli sauce which had a distinct Mexican flavour to it. The doughnut buns were good and not sweet as we expected them to be. They were very light and flakey which unfortunately made it difficult to eat the burger without the buns breaking up all over the place. This was the only let down of the burger.

If you don’t mind getting your fingers a little dirty then definitely give this new burger a try.

French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage

A little peak inside the French Cruller with Chorizo Sausage

Mos Burger Japan website 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa Tokyo

Asakusa is probably the most popular place in Tokyo for foreign and Japanese tourists alike. Located between the other tourist hotspots of Akihabara and Tokyo Skytree, Asakusa is a great place to visit for its temples, shrines and traditional shopping streets.

Every year in late May the Sanja Matsuri (Three Shrine Festival) is held, and is regarded as one of the top 3 Shinto festivals in Japan. The festival celebrates the 3 founders of Senso-ji , the well-known temple in Asakusa. Participants carry mikoshi (little portable shrines) around Asakusa, while they chant, sing and play instruments.

It’s a really exciting festival and because there are so many mikoshi everywhere, you are guaranteed to see some authentic Japanese celebrations. Hang around and eventually one of the music performance trucks will come around, playing all sorts of old-style Japanese festival and folk music.

The mikoshi make their way around town, eventually passing down Nakamise-dori, the touristy shopping street that runs down from Senso-ji. It gets super crowded here, but the atmosphere is great, with everyone dancing, drinking and chanting. Almost 2 million visitors come to see the festival every year.

There are countless mikoshi teams who come to Asakusa every year to show off their teams power. The entire neighbourhood seems to have joined in as well, with kids playing musical instruments and grammas pushing the performance carts. The Sanja Matsuri is highly recommended for anyone who wants to see a real, fun Japanese festival.

This guest post is from Matthew, a blogger and writer living in Tokyo, Japan. He has lived cheaply in Japan for over 5 years and writes for Cheapo Japan, a travel guide dedicated to budget travel in Japan. You can read more of his work at

Saturday, June 7, 2014

McDonald’s Japan World Cup Menu

The soccer World Cup in Brazil will start this week and McDonald’s Japan has celebrated this great event by releasing some World Cup menu items. McDonald’s Japan is offering several burgers based on nations expected to do well at the World Cup. The nations represented are Brazil, Germany, Spain, France and Japan.

In total, McDonald’s Japan will release 14 new World Cup themed menu items starting from May 27.

The first burgers in the series are out and include the Brazil BBQ Beef Burger, the German Pork Schnitzel Burger, and the breakfast-only Spanish Omelet Muffin. The Brazil and German Burgers will remain on the menu until June 17, where they will be replaced by the Japanese Menchi Beef Burger and the French Chicken Cordon Bleu Burger.

Other World Cup menu items include Chicken McNuggets with Italian basil cheese or German curry sauce, deep-fried Italian risotto balls in either herb and tomato flavour or squid ink flavour.

They also have two special World Cup sodas based on the team uniforms of Japan and the Netherlands. The Japan Makku Fizz is Samurai Blue and tastes like ramune, which is a popular soft drink in Japan. The Holland Makku Fizz is Dutch Orange and is flavoured with both orange and mango juice.

Last of all, they have two McFlurry desserts which look really good. The two flavours are Belgian chocolate and French crème brulle.

The Brazil BBQ Beef Burger 

The Brazil BBQ Beef Burger features two 100% beef patties that are topped with red and yellow peppers, shredded lettuce, cheddar cheese and a special Latin Charcoal BBQ “grill sauce”, all contained within a soccer ball shaped bun.

The Brazil BBQ Beef Burger

The German Pork Schnitzel Burger 

The German Pork Schnitzel Burger features a finely coated deep-fried pork cutlet with potato salad, roast onions and a Champignon mushroom sauce, all on a pretzel bun.

The German Pork Schnitzel Burger

The Spanish Omelet Muffin 

The Spanish Omelet Muffin features a spinach and red pepper omelette that is topped with cheese and a tomato, pepper and almond Romesco sauce, all on an English muffin.

The Spanish Omelet Muffin

Soccer Themed French Fries 

A very cool addition is the soccer themed collectible French fry packages. There are 12 different ones to collect and each was designed by a different international artist.

Soccer Themed French Fries

The Taste Test

Japan Australia being a fan of anything new in Japan as well as a soccer fan (Go Aussies and Blue Samurai) had to head to our local McDonald's to try these interesting new creations out. We ordered the Brazil BBQ Beef Burger set for 699 yen (USD$6.80) and sat down to give it a try. The soccer shaped bun was really cool and gave this burger a distinct look. Unfortunately, the burger wasn't very good with strange flavour combinations that just didn't work together. We actually didn't enjoy it at all, especially the strange BBQ sauce which had a very unusual flavour and way too salty. Hopefully the others in the series will be a marked improvement.

The box for the Brazil BBQ Beef Burger

A look at the Brazil BBQ Beef Burger with the soccer shaped buns

Inside the Brazil BBQ Beef Burger

The funky looking soccer themed French fries

The Brazil BBQ Beef Burger value set

McDonald's Japan Website