Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Japan on the Cheap

Japan on the cheap can be done and is quite an experience. You can stay at capsule hotels which will cost you about USD$40-$50 a night with access to baths and sauna. Inexpensive budget hotels are also available and are usually located near stations. Try a Business Hotel for a good compromise with prices around USD$70 for a single room and USD$100 for a double. If you get in a pinch and need a hotel in a hurry try one of the various Love Hotels located all around Japan. These are quite inexpensive and usually came with a great TV, video games and karaoke machine.

Food can cost you about USD$5-8 a meal if you eat at budget Japanese restaurants like Yoshinoya, Sukiya, and CoCo Ichiban Curry House. There are numerous bakeries around the country and a small snack will cost you around USD$1-2. The convenience stores all over Japan are also a quick cheap alternative and prices are extremely low compared with places back home.

I would say about USD$70-80 a day is possible done on a budget.

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