Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

It is a week late but last Friday was my birthday.
Happy Birthday to Me!!
It seems that there are an aweful lot of birthdays around this time of year (late Feb early March). Must have something to do with the time of year here in Australia.

To celebrate we had a lovely Black Forrest Cake. This has to be my all time favourite cake with several layers of chocolate cake, whipped cream and cherries between each layer. The cake is then decorated with additional whipped cream, cherries and chocolate shavings. It is not only a feast for the eyes, but a taste sensation. Check out the pcitures below.

The cake before being demolished by hungry people

Four candles looks like I am turning four, but I can assure you I am much older

A work of art with all the different layers and chocolate shavings and cherry on top

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