Saturday, June 11, 2011


Japanese inventors have come up with a new device that blends Japan’s fascination with cuteness and its penchant for experimental high tech gadgets. The gizmo is called Necomimi, neco meaning cat and mimi meaning ears in Japanese. The gadget is fluffy cat’s ears for humans that read their brainwaves. The fluffy headwear reads user’s brain activity, meaning the ears perk up when they concentrate and flop down when users enter a relaxed state of mind. A promotional video for the gadget shows a young woman’s cat ears perk up as she bites into a donut and again when she passes a young man in a park, only to flatten as she apparently brushes off the missed encounter, relaxes and smiles.

The inventors said “We were exploring new ways of communicating and we thought it would be interesting to use brainwaves.” “Because the sensors must be attached to the head, we tried to come up with something cute and catchy.”

The company behind the product, Neurowear hopes to market the device by the end of the year.

What do you think?

Watch the video for Necomimi below

Read more about some of the lighter and more interesting stories about Japan at Only in Japan

The Secrets Of Speaking Japanese Fluently

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