Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 5 Must-Read Most Popular Japan Australia Articles of 2011

Hope you all had a great New Year’s (明けましておめでとうございます).

Japan Australia had a great year in 2011 and now it is time to get together a “best of” list to review the year.

Here are the top 5 most popular articles from 2011.

#5 Christmas in Japan

Published on December 9th this is one of my recent posts that has proved to be quite popular. It outlines how Christmas is uniquely celebrated in Japan and how you can spend a festive Christmas in Japan like back home.

#4 Shin Nihongo no Kiso

Published on June 24th this article highlights one of the best Japanese language textbook available. It was one of the main textbooks instrumental in helping me successfully learn Japanese and a great aid in studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency test.

#3 Is it Safe to Travel to Japan

Published on May 14th this article came out just two months after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. I had a lot of people asking me whether Japan was Safe to Visit and this article put to bed some of the fears that people had about travelling to the main tourist areas in Japan.

#2 Easy to Cook Japanese Recipe Yakisoba

Published on April 10th this easy to cook Japanese recipe has been very popular. Yakisoba is a popular takeaway dish in Japan and is usually served with a fried egg on top and with some Japanese mayonnaise. It is a popular festival food and can be found all over Japan.

#1 Mos Burger in Australia

Published on June 28th this article has surprisingly been the most popular for 2011. Looks like there are a lot of Mos Burger lovers out there and the burger chain has been highly anticipated in Australia. Mos Burger is a famous hamburger chain restaurant in Japan that pitches itself as a gourmet burger chain that is healthier than its rivals.

Keen to visit Japan in 2012 then check out some of the reasons to Visit Japan in 2012 and how you can do Japan on a Budget

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