Thursday, April 5, 2012

Usuzumi Sakura Cherry Blossom

Usuzumi Sakura is one of the oldest cherry blossom trees in Japan and is said to have been planted in 487 AD. It can be found in Neo village, which is located amongst the beautiful mountains of Gifu Prefecture.

The tree is said to be one of the three largest cherry blossom trees in Japan and is reported to be the oldest cherry blossom tree in Japan. This unique cherry blossom initially sprouts pale pink flowers, which become white in full bloom. The tree has been appointed as a National Natural Monument of Japan and is one of the great places to visit in Gifu Prefecture.

Here is a picture of the magnificent tree, which is over 1,500 years old, stands 17.2 meters in height, and 9.2 meters in circumference.

Usuzumi Sakura

There are also many other magnificent cherry blossoms in the area and park around Usuzumi Sakura and there is a lot to do and see there.

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