Friday, May 4, 2012

Kodomo no Hi - Children’s Day

Kodomo no hi or Children's Day is a Japanese National Holiday during Golden Week which takes place on the 5th of May. While it is a holiday for children in general, it is primarily for boys (girls have a day of their own on the 3rd of March called (Hina Matsuri).

Children’s Day is a Japanese boy’s festival and is a day to pray for the healthy growth of boys. It is Japanese tradition for families with boys to display carp streamers (koinobori) outside their houses around this holiday. Carp are believed to symbolize successes in children’s lives, and by displaying koinobori it is hoped to bring boys of the family future success and luck. Samurai dolls called gogatsu ningyo (May Dolls) are also put on display in homes.

In my home, because we have a son we display kabuto (samurai helmet). Many people have these as a seasonal decoration displayed during Children’s Day. Kabuto is displayed to express hope that each boy in the family will grow up healthy and strong. We bought quite an expensive one in Japan, but really like having it out on display during Children’s Day. Our son loves wearing it on this special day as well.

You can see a picture of our family kabuto below

Family Kabuto (Samurai Helmet)
Some other interesting Japanese Festivals are:

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