Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dr NakaMats The World’s Greatest Inventor

Who is the world’s greatest inventor? Many people in Japan will tell you it is Dr NakaMatsu also known as Yoshiro Nakamatsu.

Dr NakaMats has been called the Edison of Japan and has invented thousands of products. He is still going strong at the age of 84 and is a quite a celebrity in Japan.

Some of his greatest inventions include:

• The Floppy Disk
• The CD
• Karaoke
• Brain Drink – the key to a long healthy life
• Pyon Pyon spring shoes – shoes with leaf springs on their soles so you can bounce around which makes walking a lot easier
• Cerebrex – an armchair that improves mental functions such as calculation and thinking by cooling the head and heating the feet
• The Water Engine Car - a car that runs on only water
• Underwater Notebook – notebook that is useable under water so he can record his inventions

How does Dr NakaMatsu come up with his great ideas?

Some of his inventing techniques and creative processes include:

• Listening to music
• Diving and thinking underwater where his brain benefits from the lack of oxygen. His best ideas come when he is 0.5 seconds from death
• Visiting his million dollar toilet room made completely out of gold

Next time you see an invention from Japan think of the famous Dr NakaMatsu.

Some other cool Japanese inventions

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