Sunday, September 30, 2012

Japan Travel Advice

I am really happy to announce that my latest project Japan Travel Advice has just been launched. This has been a labour of love for me the past year as I have planned the site and gathered the required material from my 10 years in Japan.

The site has lofty ambitions as can be witnessed by the Japan Travel Advice slogan “The Complete Japan Travel Guide”. We have aimed high and realize that in no way the current content is up to our desired goal. We have the basic structure for the site in place and will continue to build upon what is in place. Over the coming months we will continue to post new content on the specific destinations and attractions in Japan to build up the site and reach our goal of being the complete Japan travel guide.

I would love for you to visit the site and let me know what you think. You can do that by clicking on this link Japan Travel Advice

You can leave comments here below and we welcome all feedback from you about the site. We know that it is not perfect at this stage, but will strive to meet our goals and ambitions of being the complete travel guide.

You can also follow Japan Travel Advice on Social Media

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