Thursday, July 31, 2014

Book Review: Things Japanese (Everyday Objects of Exceptional Beauty and Significance)

Things Japanese: Everyday Objects of Exceptional Beauty and Significance published by Tuttle Publishing is a wonderful guide and introduction to the unique objects that make up traditional Japanese culture. This is a must have book for any fan of Japanese culture and art. As most of you know, I love Japan and especially its history, culture and traditions. I guess, I’m lucky to be surrounded by these things on a daily basis. I probably take a lot of them for granted now that I’ve been in Japan so long, but this book really makes me appreciation them again and fully understand their cultural significance.

The book through its amazing photos and illustrations shares some of this culture and beauty of Japan with you. It is filled with more than two hundred colour photos and illustrations. Author Nicholas Bornoff and Photographer Michael Freeman examine over 60 traditional Japanese objects displaying their relevance and significance and will fascinate those who are intrigued by the art, culture and history of Japan. The traditional objects range from beautifully crafted samurai swords to elegant wooden tansu chests.

The cover of Things Japanese

Fantastic images and detailed information are a highlight of this book

A lot of the objects in the book are highly recognizable, some I see on a daily basis, others are more for historical value rather than daily use. Like most things Japanese they are exquisitely crafted with beauty in their diligent attention to detail and artistry. The book is beautifully presented and shows and describes each object in meticulous detail. Each item is illustrated in glorious full-colour photographs with detailed information, history and cultural context about the object.

At 143 pages long, the book is the right size to leave on my coffee table to take a peek when needed. I love my photography and a hobby of mine is shooting some of the wonderful traditional Japanese objects that I find around me. Whether its a byobu (painted screen) at a house, or ishidoro (stone lantern) at a temple, this book is a great accompaniment to better understand the cultural significance of the objects that I shoot. This book will certainly be picked up by me on a regular basis as I research these objects to find out more about them. I hope it becomes a part of your collection, too.

Things Japanese is the perfect book for anyone interested in the art, culture and history of Japan.
You can check out the book yourself on

*** Competition Time ***

Would you like to win a FREE Copy of Things Japanese: Everyday Objects of Exceptional Beauty and Significance?

Tuttle Publishing the company behind Things Japanese would like to offer one of our lucky readers a complimentary copy of this book. For a chance to win, please leave a comment below on the following topic, “What is your favourite traditional Japanese object? And why do you like it?

We will select a winner at random and announce the result after the closing date. 

Entries close on Friday, 8 August 2014

Note: Please do not comment as Anonymous use a profile such as Google or WordPress, etc, so we can contact you if you are the lucky winner. We we also announce the winner in a future blog post, so stay tuned to Japan Australia.

Good luck and I look forward to reading your entries

*** Competition Has Just Ended ***

Thank you everyone for entering and stay tuned as the winner will be announced on Sunday, 10 August 2014.

Things Japanese
Things Japanese by Nicholas Bornoff & Photographer Michael Freeman

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival

The Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival is one of the three largest and most famous Tanabata festivals in all of Japan. Held in Ichinomiya City in Aichi Prefecture from the last Thursday to Sunday of July, which is July 24 to 27 in 2014 this is one must see festival in the Chubu area of Japan.

Tanabata (七夕) also known as the “Star Festival” is a Japanese festival with its origins in ancient Chinese legend. The festival celebrates the meeting of two stars (lovers) who are only allowed to meet one night of the year, which is Tanabata. It is one of the most romantic nights of the year in Japan.

More about Tanabata 

The festival centers on the 500 meter long Honmachi Shotengai Shopping Arcade near Owari-Ichinomiya Station. The climax of the festival is along the approach to Masumida Shrine.

We arrived late afternoon to Owari-Ichinomiya Station and the festival was already in full swing with the station decorated in beautiful Tanabata streamers called fukinagashi, and crowds of people many in yukata (summer kimono) heading to the festival.

Fukinagashi (Tanabata Streamers) outside of Owari Ichinomiya Station

 Stepping out of the station you’ll notice that the station itself is also decorated with colourful Tanabata streamers, and there are many fukinagashi around the station. The approach to the Honmachi Shopping Arcade is lined with food stalls (yatai) on both sides of the road selling all kinds of delicious Japanese street food. The atmosphere is electric and has a carnival vibe to it with many stalls offering the chance to play a game or two to win a prize.

Street stalls with food and games

The Honmachi Shopping Arcade is decorated in colourful Tanabata streamers on both sides. Some of the decorations contain coloured paper (tanzaku) which are small pieces of paper with wishes on them. These are made by local Elementary School children and stuck on the decoration in hope that the wish will come true.

Colourful Tanabata Streamers at the Honmachi Shopping Arcade

Other decorations feature famous or popular anime (animation) characters in Japan. We saw many different characters ranging from Doraemon to Anpanman.

Shimajiro character Tanabata decoration

The main action is centered at Masumida Shrine which the Honmachi Shopping Arcade leads to from the station. Masumida Shrine was the most important and principal shrine of Owari Province, which is now modern day Aichi Prefecture. The shrine grounds are also decorated in colourful Tanabata streamers with even more food stalls and entertainment. There is a stage set up were you can watch some traditional Japanese dance performances.

Masumida Shrine

When the sun goes down and the evening approaches you can see a parade down the Honmachi Arcade to Masumida Shrine. The parade is conducted to dedicate local products to the shrine for good luck.

Parade on Honmachi Street near Masumida Shrine

Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival

Tanabata Streamers at the Honmachi Shopping Arcade

The approach to Masumida Shrine

The crowds at Masumida Shrine

Beautiful Yukata at Masumida Shrine

More Yukata at Masumida Shrine

Yukata and Japanese Lanterns at Masumida Shrine

Food stalls at Masumida Shrine

Japanese Festival at Masumida Shrine


WHAT: Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival
WHEN: July 24 to 27 2014
TIME: Most of the action happens from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
WHERE: Honmachi Arcade near Owari Ichinomiya Station
ACCESS: From Nagoya take either a JR or Meitetsu train to Ichinomiya

Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Chunichi Shimbun Gifu Fireworks

Held on the last Saturday of July, the Chunichi Shimbun Gifu Fireworks is one of the largest and best fireworks displays in all of Japan. Fireworks are a great summer tradition here In Japan with many firework festivals taking place around Japan in July and August. Fireworks are called Hanabi (花火) in Japanese, which literally means fire flower. The fireworks are just that as they beautifully light up the summer night sky.

The Chunichi Shimbun Gifu Fireworks takes place in Gifu City (岐阜) over the famous Nagara River with Mt Kinka and Gifu Castle as a backdrop. The fireworks last around 90 minutes with approx. 30,000 fireworks set off. The best seat in the house is along the river bank where the fireworks are launched.

This is the must see summer event in Gifu along with the Ukai (Cormorant Fishing). Gifu City is packed on the day with people visiting from all over Japan. The atmosphere is electric with huge lines of street vendors selling all kinds of Japanese festival food and people out and about in their beautiful yukata (summer kimono).

Make sure you arrive early to reserve a good spot and bring along your seating mat. I recommend Nagaragawa Park which is at the northern end of the Nagara Bridge.

Here are a few photos from the festival last year

The Nagara River with Mt Kinka and Gifu Castle in the background
The crowds at the Chunichi Shimbun Gifu Fireworks
Festival Food and Beautiful Yukata
Fireworks ~ The star of the night
Fireworks over the Nagara River


WHAT: Chunichi Shimbun Gifu Fireworks
WHEN: Saturday July 26
TIME: 7:15 pm to 8:45 pm
WHERE: Nagara River bank (between the Nagara Bridge and Kinka Bridge)
ACCESS: Special buses run from JR Gifu Station and Meitestu Station

Chunichi Fireworks Festival

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How-to: Business Etiquette in Japan

Whether you’ve moved to Tokyo for a new job or your company is expanding overseas, there are a few cultural differences in the workplace you should familiarize yourself with. The Japanese pride themselves on being gracious and building strong relationships, and exchanging gifts is just one of the many ways these ties are built.

The biggest difference in Japanese business etiquette is that it’s a lot more formal than Western cultures. Unless you are working with the imperial family, most Japanese business persons understand the cultural difference and won’t judge you too harshly. That being said, here are a few things you may want to avoid:

1. Disrespecting business cards 

Exchanging business cards is an extremely important part of Japanese business etiquette. It’s a way to show individual identity in a society where the group is usually more important than the individual. Always have plenty with you and when you accept someone else’s, take it with both hands, bow slightly from the hips, and offer thanks. Gently place the card in your wallet as-is because writing on them, bending them, or altering them in any way is as offensive as a slap in the face. It’s considered courteous to have your business card in your native language on one side and in Japanese on the other. You can include up to four languages on your business cards before they become too cluttered. When exchanging business cards, always present yours to the most senior person first, and then go on down the hierarchy. While you’re at it, you should probably avoid…

2. Ignoring the hierarchy 

In Japan, status is kind of a big thing. When it comes to meetings, there is usually an exact order of how and where everyone is sitting, with the senior executive or manager at the head of the table. Make sure to ask someone ahead of time in order to avoid the awkward embarrassment of sitting in the Vice President’s chair. If you are exchanging gifts, always present the most senior person with their gift first, and make sure that person has the most expensive gift. And since we’re on that topic…

3. Forgetting to bring a gift 

As a show of respect and friendship towards your new or potential business partners (or co-workers) you should always bring a small gift to the first meeting. Gift-giving in Japan is more about the ceremony than the gift, and the wrapping almost counts for as much as the contents. While the most important gift-giving ceremony is at the beginning of the first meeting, it’s common and a good idea to always stock up on items from your home country to bring as gifts for every large meeting. Have them wrapped at a local store so you can be sure they are wrapped properly. Also send a thank-you gift as well, something for the entire group or department like a fruit basket or collection of sweets. If you want to send gifts to Japan after you’ve returned to your home country it’s a good idea to consider using a gifting service that has locations in-country so you can send things like fresh flowers and fruit, and be assured it arrives on time and in perfect condition.

Following these few tips should help you to avoid any irreversible faux-pas. Japan is a beautiful country rich with culture and tradition, and once you get used to the nuances you will soon find yourself enjoying them.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

10 Tips to Survive Summer in Japan

Summer in Japan is very hot and sticky with the mercury rising to the mid and high 30C levels with very little relief at night. Popular destinations like Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka can get extremely hot during this season. You can escape the heat by heading to places like Nikko, north of Tokyo or the cooler Japan Alps in the heart of Japan. Alternatively you can follow these handy tips below to survive a Japanese Summer.

10 Tips to Survive Summer in Japan

1. Air Conditioned Shopping Malls 

Escape your hot house or apartment by visiting one of the many shopping malls scattered around Japan. They offer air conditioned comfort with lots of cool shops to visit, or just sit down and enjoy the coolness of being inside out of the hot sun. We normally do this during the hottest part of the day which is usually from about 2 pm to 5 pm.

Japanese Shopping Mall in Summer

2. Kakigori (Shaved Ice) 

Japanese shaved ice is a popular dessert during the warmer months in Japan. Kakigori is usually flavoured with a syrup and sweetened with condensed milk. Some of our favourites include Ichigo Milk (Strawberry Milk), Blue Hawaii (Soda) and Matcha (Green Tea) with Anko (Sweet Azuki Beans).

Ichigo Milk Kakigori

3. Take a Cool Bath 

Try taking a cool bath with some Japanese cooling bath salts. These can be picked up from any Drug Store or Supermarket in Japan, and when added to a bath of around 38C start cooling your body from the moment you leave the bath. The bath salts contain cool things like mint and menthol and come in summer aromas like mint, fresh forest, lime, grapefruit and orange. Popular brands are Bath Cline and Babu Cool.

Cooling Bath Salts

4. Ramune 

Ramune is a Japanese carbonated drink that reminds me of lemonade from back home. It has a distinctive bottle design which is made from glass and sealed with a marble. Ramune is very refreshing and is a modern symbol of summer in Japan. You can find it sold at convenience stores and supermarkets, as well as at all the summer festivals and fireworks in Japan.

Fuji-san Ramune

5. Body Wipes 

Body wipes or body sheets as they are sometimes called here in Japan can be a life-saver. They are basically a moist deodorising wet tissue that cools your body and takes away that unpleasant sweat. Some of them even leave you with that refreshing tingling feeling! You can pick them up at any Drug Store or Supermarket here in Japan. A favourite of mine is the Gatsby Ice Type.

6. Summer Room Wear 

Japanese summer room wear like a traditional Jinbei (甚平) are great for keeping cool. A traditional Jinbei is made of breathable hemp or cotton. They are usually worn as a type of nightwear or house wear, but in recent times have become a popular clothing item to wear out during the summer. Jinbei can even substitute for a traditional yukata (summer kimono) during a summer festival.

Japanese Summer Yukata

7. Furin Wind Chime 

Furin is a type of Japanese glass wind chime that has been popular since the Edo Period in Japan. Furin are the sound of summer for me and are traditionally hung up during the summer months, usually near a window or outside to catch the breeze. It is believed that the soothing sound of the chime keeps you feeling cool.

8. Cold Noodles 

Japanese love their noodles and summer is no exception with lots of cold and chilled noodles on offer. A summer favourite of ours is Hiyashi Chuka (冷やし中華). The dish consists of chilled ramen noodles topped with cold ingredients and a special sauce. Popular toppings include tamagoyaki (cooked egg), cooked cold chicken, ham, cucumber, and tomatoes. The sauce is made from a combination of water, rice vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. A delicious dish to help cool you down.

8. Use an Ice Pillow at Night 

Ice Pillows are great and can be purchased very cheaply at most Drug Stores in Japan. You keep the ice pillow in the freezer during the day and then take it out at night, wrap it in a thin towel and use it as a pillow at night to stay cool. Temperatures in Japan during the night are still very high and uncomfortable and it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. Using an ice pillow definitely helps and I recommend them if you have never tried them.

10. Cold Tea 

Japanese drink a lot of different kinds of tea and have a cool summer tea which is very refreshing. It is called Mugicha (麦茶) and is a tea made from roasted barley. Mugicha is a lot more refreshing to drink than water and is believed to help you survive the heat of summer.

Do you have any great tips to beat the heat in Japan?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tanabata Star Festival 2014

Tanabata (七夕), also known as the “Star Festival” takes place every year on the 7th day of the 7th month here in Japan. In Japanese, Tanabata (七夕) means evening of the seventh; (七) = seventh and (夕) = evening. The Japanese festival originates from Chinese legend, and celebrates the meeting of the two stars, Altair and Vega. According to the legend, the Milky Way, a river of stars that crosses the sky, separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only one night a year on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunisolar calendar. It is a fabulous story that was popularized in Japan over 1,300 years ago!

The date of Tanabata varies depending on the region of Japan and is usually held at either July 7th or August 7th. The celebration is held at night and colourful Tanabata Festivals are held across Japan. One of the biggest and most famous is the Tanabata Festivals of Hiratsuka near Tokyo in July and Sendai in August.

A popular Tanabata custom in Japan is to write wishes on small pieces of coloured paper tanzaku and hang them on a specially decorated bamboo trees or branches (wish trees) in hope that the wish will come true. The bamboo trees or branches are usually placed in the backyard or entrances of houses and are set afloat on a river or burned after the festival, around midnight or on the next day.

Tanabata Decorations in Hida Takayama

Japanese snack companies also like to join in on the festivities with several of them releasing Tanabata themed snacks. One of our favourites is the Tanabata themed Koala no March (コアラのマーチ), which is a limited edition version only available around this time of the year.

Koala no March Tanabata Version

There are numerous Tanabata Festivals around Japan during summer organised by local merchants. They are usually held at major shopping streets or districts which are decorated with colourful streamers and decorations.

Some of the most famous Tanabata Festivals are:

Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival (Kanagawa Prefecture) July 4-6 

The Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival held in the Kanto region of Japan is one of the largest in Japan. It features several blocks of streets decorated in gorgeous Tanabata decorations as well as street performers. The action starts just outside of JR Hiratsuka Station.

Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival 

Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival (Aichi Prefecture) July 24-27 

The Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival held in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture is the largest in the Chubu region of Japan. It centers on the 500 meter long Honmachi Shotengai shopping arcade approach to Masumida Shrine. It features a parade through the shotengai, stalls and colourful streamers and decorations.

Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival

Sendai Tanabata Festival (Miyagi Prefecture) August 6-8 

The Sendai Tanabata Festival is the most famous and largest Tanabata festival in all of Japan. Held in Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture, it features the famous kusudama ball of paper flowers made from Japanese paper (washi) as well as many other decorations.

Sendai Tanabata Festival 

Hida Takayama Tanabata Festival (Gifu Prefecture) August 6-7 

The Hida Takayama Tanabata Festival in the picturesque Hida Takayama sees the famous old streets of Sanmachi lined with Edo Period houses decorated with Tanabata streamers and wish trees.

How are you planning to celebrate Tanabata this year?