Thursday, November 24, 2011

Deer in Nara Koen Japan

This week's Japan Picture of the week is the famous deer which can be seen at Nara Koen in Japan. Nara Koen was created from wasteland in 1880 and is home to about 1200 deer. The deer in pre-Buddhist times were considered to be messengers of the gods, and today they enjoy the status of National Treasures. The deer roam the park and surrounding areas in search of keen tourists and a hand-out of food. You can buy shika-sembei (special biscuits) from vendors for 150 yen to feed to the deer.

This picture was taken on the approach to the famous Todai-ji temple’s Nandai-mon (gate), which you can read more about here.

Deer in Nara Koen Japan

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