Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Visit Japan in 2012
Japan has had a rough 2011, with the March earthquake and tsunami disaster hurting tourist numbers, but Japan is the place to visit in 2012.

Why visit Japan in 2012?

The Food – Japan has been named the country with the most restaurants in the world with three Michelin stars.

The Beauty – Spectacular landscapes that include lush mountains, valleys, seascapes, waterfalls, autumn foliage and white powder snow just to mention a few.

The Culture - Japan has a traditional culture that stretches back millennia, and is a country of contrasts with beautiful temples and gardens along with ultra modern and high tech cities.

The Events – The major events in Japan in 2012 are:

Feb. 6-12, the Sapporo Snow Festival attracts more than 2 million people every year, boasting hundreds of snow statues and ice sculptures.

Mar-Apr, Cherry Blossoms festivals and hanami held throughout Japan.
June, the Great Japan Beer Festival - takes place at Yebisu Garden Palace in Tokyo.

July. 27-29, Fuji Rock Festival featuring the reformed Stone Roses - Naeba ski resort.

July-Aug, Summer Firework Festivals held all around Japan.

Aug. 15, Obon a traditional Buddhist festival in memory of family ancestors (Festival of the Dead).

I hope this has inspired you to visit Japan in 2012

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