Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy 3rd Anniversary Japan Australia

This week marks the 3rd Anniversary of Japan Australia. I would like to take this moment to thank all my readers, followers and friends out there. Without your continued support this would not have been possible and you have made my experience as a Japan blogger an unforgettable one.

I started Japan Australia in December 2009 soon after arriving back to Australia from Japan. It was a way for me to stay in touch with Japan and to share my experiences with people interested in learning about or travelling to Japan. The goal of the blog was to provide information and advice to Aussies moving, travelling or working in Japan. Well will have certainly achieved that goal as well as building a following from many countries around the world and not just here in Australia.

Life has now come full circle, as I will be heading back to Japan full time from January 2013.

I hope to continue the blog and post about my new adventures in Japan. I hope you continue to support Japan Australia, as I share my new life and experiences.

Thank you

John Asano

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