Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Spouse Visa for Japan

If you are married to a Japanese national, you can obtain a spouse visa for Japan. The visa allows you to engage in any paid activity in Japan and is usually granted in periods of 6 months or 1, 3 or 5 years. The visa is also extendable.

I recently went through the process of acquiring a spouse visa for Japan. The process was quite simple and straight forward and I have tried to outline the steps that I went through below. This application was processed in Australia, so it might be slightly different if you are in another country. I hope this helps for anyone who is interested.

Step 1

The first step is to pick up a Visa Application Form from the Japanese Embassy or Consulate. The application form is about two A4 size pages. The Consulate General of Japan in Melbourne is located at Level 8, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.

Step 2 

Fill out the application form and acquire the relevant documentation from Japan. See list below for details on the documentation. The documentation must be current and issued within the last 3 months prior to application.

Note: Don’t apply too far in advance as you must leave for Japan within a three month period of receiving your new visa.

You will also need to obtain a recent passport photo (taken within the last three months). Australia Post can do a set of 8 photos for AUD$15.95. You will only need one but it is always handy to have passport photos with you when you travel overseas.

Step 3

Lodge your documentation for the visa at the appropriate embassy or consulate. It usually takes 3 working days to process the visa application. I lodged mine on a Tuesday and it was ready for me on the Monday.

They will give you a small receipt with your name, a visa application number, and date when the visa will be available for collection. You must bring this in order to collect your visa.

They will also call you if they need further information/details or if they have any questions during this period.

Note: There is no FEE or CHARGE for Australian Passport holders in Australia.

Step 4

If all is good and you haven’t received a call, your visa is ready to be collected from the date given on the receipt. Remember to bring your receipt and show this at the counter to collect the visa in your passport.

They will also explain and provide you with some information about the New Residency Management System (Residence Card) in Japan.

Supporting Documents Required

1. A valid Australian Passport
2. Visa Application Form – completed and signed by the applicant
3. One Passport sized photo (taken in the last 3 months)
4. Official copy of the Japanese Spouse’s Family Register (Koseki Tohon) – these must also have be issued within the last 3 months prior to application
5. Letter of Guarantee from guarantor in Japan (spouse’s family / employer etc)
6. Documents providing Guarantor’s Financial capabilities to support you (Certificate of Income, Annual income statements, Tax Payment etc)
7. Guarantor’s Certificate of Residence (Jyumin Hyo)
8. Proof of Savings /Finance to support stay in Japan (necessary if guarantor’s financial capabilities are not deemed sufficient)
9. Original Full Birth Certificate (only for child of Japanese parents)

The most challenging part for me was proving that I could support my stay in Japan. This includes supporting my wife and any children that you may have. You can do this by supplying information and details such as:

• Bank Statements (Savings Accounts)
• Financial Statements (from guarantor in Japan)
• Letter of Employment (from company in Japan if you have work lined up)

The Consulate General of Japan in Melbourne

Address: Level 8, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Office Hours: 
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm


Please leave me a comment or send me an email if you would like more information or if there is anything further I can add to help you.

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